A letter to you, who have given up

Dear friend,

If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve been dealt a tough hand. It can feel like crap, like you have hit rock bottom and there’s no way out of this mess. Maybe you feel like you’re constantly swimming against the tide and don’t know what for anymore. It is easy to feel like giving up is the only option.

But I would like to take a moment to gently remind you that you are strong.

“It is the strongest people who can endure the most.”

And you have been enduring well. Let’s start with acknowledging that and give yourself some credit and rest. It's okay to take a moment and give yourself some time to breathe: Appreciate how far you’ve come.

Now, it can be hard to find the strength to keep going, especially when you've been knocked down many times before. But your setbacks do not define you. You have potential, and I know that you can achieve great things.

I want you to know that you are capable of overcoming these challenges. You have strengths around and within you that you may not even realize yet.

You are not alone in this, and there are people who care about you. Friends, family, mentors, colleagues, neighbors, even strangers may be willing to lend an ear and contribute some form of help.

Remember, you are not defined by how many times you fall. It's how you pick yourself up and keep moving forward that truly matters. You have the power to write your story and it’s powerful redemption arc. A story that you can impart to the future generations.

Please don't hesitate to reach out for help and support if you need it. There are people who care about you and want to see you succeed. Together, we can get through this!

Keep going, my friend. You are stronger than you know.




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