Good habits achieve your goals

Habits are the building blocks of our lives. From the moment we wake up in the morning to the time we go to bed at night, we are constantly engaged in a series of habits that dictate our daily routines. While some habits are beneficial, others can be detrimental to our mental and physical well-being.

In short: We want good habits.

Good habits benefit to our health, well-being, and personal development. They are the actions that we engage in regularly, without conscious effort. These actions contribute to our success, happiness, and overall satisfaction in life.

Why Should We Build Good Habits?

Building good habits is essential to achieving our goals and living a happy, fulfilled life. According to the psychology, operant conditioning explains that behaviors that are rewarded are more likely to be repeated. Therefore, when we build good habits and consistently reinforce them with rewards, we increase the likelihood that they will become ingrained in our daily routines.

Examples of Good Habits

  1. Exercising regularly

  2. Maintaining a balanced diet

  3. Reading and expanding our knowledge

  4. Mindfulness exercises like meditation and journaling

  5. Getting enough sleep

  6. Expressing gratitude

  7. Learning a new skill

  8. Spending time in nature

How to Build and Sustain Good Habits

The key to building good habits sustainably is to start small and be consistent. According to a research study published in the European Journal of Social Psychology, it takes an average of 66 days for a behavior to become a habit. Therefore, it is important to commit to a habit for at least two months before deciding whether or not it is worth continuing.

The 21 90 rule is a popular method for building good habits. It states that it takes 21 days to form a new habit and 90 days to make it a permanent lifestyle change. This rule emphasizes the importance of consistency and perseverance in building good habits.

These are some steps that might help:

  1. Choose a habit that aligns with your goals and values.

  2. undertand the consequence to you if you fail to complete it.

  3. Break the habit down into small, manageable steps.

  4. Pair your habit with a task that you already do regularly. (e.g. self-affirming words with brushing teeth every morning)

  5. Create a plan and schedule for practicing the habit.

  6. Track your progress and celebrate your successes.

What Stops Us From Having Good Habits?

There are several factors that can prevent us from building good habits. A research study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that self-control is a limited resource. When we exert self-control in one area of our lives, we have less of it to use in other areas. Therefore, it is important to prioritize the habits that are most important to us and to be patient with ourselves when we are trying to build new habits.


Building good habits is essential to achieving our goals and living a happy, fulfilled life. By understanding what good habits are, why we should build them, and how to build them, we can take control of our lives and create the future that we desire. Remember to start small, be consistent, and celebrate your successes along the way.


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